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Free Publication

Delivering powerful informative information & marketing solutions. To get you results.

e v e r y d a y    i s s u e s    f o r    e v e r y d a y    p e o p l e

a free resource that addresses "felt need" issues, helping readers enhance the quality of their lives and strengthens families

A community outreach magazine designed for the contemporary seeker...that pays for itself through advertising. Already 50,000 copies in circulation, with a goal of one million copies in distribution within the next ten months...being used to help Christians share their faith in their local communities throughout the country.

A Remarkable Project for Your Congregation
Click Here For More Information




  • Connect better with the businesses in your community.

  • Enhance outreach to the community through the distribution of up to 25,000 magazines that didn't cost a penny.

  • Encourage congregational members to start meaningful, Jesus-with-the-woman-at-the-well, non-weird conversations with co-workers, next door neighbors and total strangers.

  • Invite individuals and families within the community to become a part of your fellowship.

  • Create curiosity within people in your community  who previously have expressed no interest in attending a church -- intriguing them with excellent content in a general market magazine.



  • You will love the value-added donation of up to 25,000 free, private-labeled magazines to help with the congregation's outreach, evangelism, and church growth.

  • A ministry within your churches will adopt this unusual project.

  • The ministry leader will recognize the value-added components of this project -- to be a way of receiving and giving at the same time.

  • The church-related ministry (youth, men's, women's...) will be able to wisely use the $5,000 donation for their work. (The funds donated to your ministry, come from -- and only from -- the ad revenue.)

  • Your church will want to develop a new magazine every 1-2 years...with the same purpose in mind -- to help financially and also to receive a different edition of the magazine to distribute throughout the local community.

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